TREEHOUSE #1, #2 & #3


Video, Installation for Treehouse and 1 TV, 3:29 min, loop


Lights blink in the treehouse, sounds of a frantic car chase can be heard. The mission is on.

Installations at:

Krauss Collection Berlin, 2007
“Anstoss Berlin”, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, 2006
“Lichte Wege”, Schlosspark Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, 2005

Treehouse #1, Installation View: Sammlung Clemens Krauss, 2007, Photo: Yuki Jungesblut

Treehouse #1, Installation View: Sammlung Clemens Krauss, 2007, Photo: Yuki Jungesblut

Treehouse #1, Installation View, Haus am Waldsee, 2006

Treehouse #1, Installation View: Haus am Waldsee, 2006, Photo: Yuki Jungesblut


Treehouse #1, Installation View: “Lichte Wege”, Schloßpark Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, 2005, Photo: Sylvia Götz


Video, Installation for Treehouse and 1 TV, 3:20 min, loop

Documentation Video of Treehouse #2 at “After the light”, Radial System, Berlin, 2008


The chase must go on: After the furious car chase of the first edition, treehouse #2 takes off to helicopters. The treehouse series by Bjørn Melhus plays with moments of denaturalized and claustrophobic collisions in a romantic setup of a treehouse, which usually functions as a refuge from the world outside.

Installations at:

MusraraMix Festival, Jerusalem, 2014
Im Namen des Raumes, Straussberger Platz, Berlin, 2010
Neulicht am See, Hanover, 2009
NADA Art Fair, Miami, 2008
“After the light”, Radial System, Berlin, 2008

TREEHOUSE #2, Installation View, "Im Namen des Raumes", Straussberger Platz, Berlin, 2010, Photo: Bjørn Melhus

TREEHOUSE #2, Installation View, “Im Namen des Raumes”, Straussberger Platz, Berlin, 2010, Photo: Bjørn Melhus


TREEHOUSE #2, Installation View, Musrara Art Mix, Jerusalem, Israel, 2014, Photo: Bjørn Melhus

Treehouse #2, Installation View, NADA Art Fair, 2008

Treehouse #2, Installation View: NADA Art Fair, 2008, Photo: Bjørn Melhus


Video, Installation for Treehouse and 1 TV, 3 min, loop, 2009


For the third installation of the treehouse, the scenario goes up even further from earth and the treehouse emits the sound scape of a frantic search and rescue effort of a spaceship – this time in French.

TREEHOUSE #3, Installation View: "Berlin change plus vite que mon coeur", Lille, 2009, Photo: Bjørn Melhus

TREEHOUSE #3, Installation View: “Berlin change plus vite que mon coeur”, Lille, 2009, Photo: Bjørn Melhus